Press Room Nederlands

Dutch tech company goes against the tide: Tunga receives DGGF funding and launches international growth plans


Phasellus eu scelerisque quam, id pulvinar ligula. Quisque pretium pharetra tortor. Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra.

Dutch tech company goes against the tide: Tunga receives DGGF funding and launches international growth plans2020-06-04T08:24:34+00:00

Free AI-powerd COVID-19 tool: Study shows AI software CAD4COVID-xray comparable in performance to radiologists


Phasellus eu scelerisque quam, id pulvinar ligula. Quisque pretium pharetra tortor. Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra.

Free AI-powerd COVID-19 tool: Study shows AI software CAD4COVID-xray comparable in performance to radiologists2020-06-04T08:32:39+00:00
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